Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined the endless talent & genius that so easily pours out of you! Your creativity knows no bounds & I loved how you always had a new way to surprise me with a brilliant idea! You brought peace, patience & encouragement to every recording session. Thank You for taking each song into your heart & giving it "wings".
Trish Allred
I could not have accomplished this CD without Don, who is my Producer, Arranger, and Excellent critic. Not only is this man a superb talent with arrangements but a pure genius in the studio on the engineering side, as well as a recognized Jazz Piano performer. You are the greatest Don.
Robert Austin Richards
Millenium Records
I just wanted to send you a quick email to tell you how thrilled I am with "Lord of My Life". I am so happy with what you did. You are an amazing talent! God truly is using your talents to bless others. You have learned your craft so well and play so musically. I can't wait to finish it and start another! p.s. Jim was in utter awe when he heard it. He loved it! Thanks so much and blessings on your day today.
Kristie Hammarstrom
I have worked with Don both in the studio and on gigs. I actually met him on a gig and that's when I found out about DKS Productions. He's a first rate keyboardist and can play anything from dinner jazz to rock, show tunes and R & B. He is such a competent musician, that is why I wanted to see what his studio was all about. Because he is such a fine musician this makes him sensitive to the needs of the music and how to reach the objective quickly without sacrificing the quality of the sound. As they say in the biz, he has "big ears". I have used his studios for 3 albums now and would definitely recommend him (and have) to anyone who wants to hire a keyboardist for live shows, or wants to record a first class project completed in a timely manner at a good rate.
Nancy Wenstrom Catania
WCM Records / Apollo Productions